Selasa, 30 September 2008

blackberry master separo clever handphone market

blackberry dominate more than separo clever handphone market at united america in quarterly second year this. on the contrary, research shows, segment iphone--yang in quarterly second still to wait iphone 3g-- and palm decreased.

follow research idc like to quoted ap in monday (8/9), production clever handphone research in motion ltd. that take 53,6 market cake percents for category that defined as handphone mempu run several applications all at once. this number rises from 44,5 percents quarterly first.

follow ryan reith, senior analyst at idc, sale blackberry menguat because they are melansir series curve and pearl for standard cdma, bot merely gsm such as those which previous there.

rise it sale blackberry this make iphone production apple decreased the market segment from 19,2 percents to 7,4 percents. reith say this depreciation because in quarterly second consumers waits out it iphone 3g. " sale iphone 3g will make apple will rise in quarterly third, " word reith.

another player, palm, also jurun from 13,4 market segment percents to 10,8 percents. (source: tempointeraktif. com)

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